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Creating a Support Ticket


Tips for Creating a Support Ticket

We've created a checklist for when you create a Support Ticket with Brightbox Software, so no matter what the issue, we can ensure your ticket is Support Ready.


Please include the following (where applicable):

 ꙱  Company name

 ꙱  Contact details

 ꙱  MudShark Project file

 ꙱  MudShark version number 

 ꙱  Steps to reproduce

 ꙱  Details/screenshots


Contact Details

To ensure we're able to help you, we need your company name. and up to date contact details (phone number and email).


MudShark Project

If the issue is in the project, please provide us a copy of the project file. As MudShark projects can be quite large, we recommend uploading them and sharing the link with an application like Dropbox or, Google Drive.


MudShark Details

Always include any details about your setup, specifically the MudShark version number. If you're using an older operating system, or WIndows on a Mac, let us know about this, too. To find the version number click on the "?" on the top right of the ribbon menu.


Issue Details

We need specific details about your issue, especially the steps to reproduce the issue. So, include any details or screenshots of appropriate screens or error messages, if one has been displayed. The more details you can provide, is always the better.


You can submit your Support Ticket here