Understanding MudShark Options
There are some options you can set for MudShark, including viewport style, ground settings, and where your data is saved and the default measurement units.
To access MudShark options:
1. Click the application button, labelled Project, at the top right of the ribbon.
2. Click Options… at the bottom of the application menu.
The MudShark Options window will open, and you can navigate between the three option tabs: Viewport Styles, Ground Settings, and Data.
Access options from the application button
Viewport Style
From the Viewport tab you can affect how the Viewport displays some elements.
Active Input Line
You can change the colour for the current active input line and its line thickness. By default the Line colour is orange, and the Line thickness is thin.
Viewport colours
You can also change the colours that denote current Selection, the Viewport Background and the Viewport Foreground, By default, these are blue, grey and black, respectively.
Ground Settings
From the Ground Settings tab you can affect how MudShark manages your ground settings.
You can set the default depth for Stripping and Respread, which will determine the defaults for ground stripped for an Existing Site and respread for a Proposed Site.
Material Reuse
You can set defaults for how material is reused through your project.
You can enter a percentage for Unusable stripping which will set the default wastage percentage of stripped earth. Setting this percentage will limit how much material can be reused on the site. You can also enter a percentage for Unusable cut which will limit how much material can be reused on the site.
You can check Respread only from stripping , which when checked will only reuse the material that is stripped from the existing site in the respread.
TIP: If there is not enough stripped material to respread the required volume, the remaining volume will be considered as Imported Material.
You can check Fill only from cut, which when checked will only reuse material that is taken from cut for fills.
TIP: If there is not enough cut material to fill the required volume, the remaining volume will be considered as Imported Material.
Imported Respread Material
This is for setting up the default material to use if there is any imported respread required.
Imported Fill Material
This is for setting up the default material to use if there is any imported fill required.
From the Ground Settings tab you can affect how MudShark manages your ground settings.
Data Folder
The data folder will be the location set during installation where your project data is saved. You can interact with your data folder in two ways: you can click Data folder: to open the location where your data folder is or you can click the … button to change your data folder.
Max Visible Image Plans
There is a default to the amount of image plans displayed in a project, this limit ensures computers processing power isn’t dragged down. By default, this limit is set to two. You can adjust this by changing the number directly or using the arrow up, and arrow down buttons.
Deactivate on Exit
By default, if you’re using a floating licence, Deactivate on exit is checked. As long as this is checked, and you have an active internet connection when you close MudShark, your licence will be deactivated so you can open MudShark on another computer.
TIP: This option is only visible if you have a floating licence.
Default Units
Your default units are set when installing MudShark for the first time. You can only use MudShark with one default at a time.