Check your Contours
To save you time, MudShark automatically calculates the volumes for stripping and respread based on the takeoff you have entered. All you need to calculate your stripping and respread, is to enter a thickness for each.
By default, Strip by thickness and Respread thickness will be set to 0, unless you have set a default in Options before you created the project. Instead of stripping by thickness, you can select layers to be removed using the Strip Away drop-down menu.
You can enter a thickness for stripping and respread, or the layers to strip from the Ground Settings options in the Project Details embedded tab or from the Calculate Checklist window which appears when you click Calculate.
Set Stripping Thickness
Your stripping can be calculated by setting a thickness, and your Existing Site will strip the thickness regardless of the material layer.
To set a stripping thickness:
1. From the Project Details embedded tab, click Ground Settings.
2. Click the radio button for Strip by thickness.
3. You can enter the thickness you wish to strip for your Existing Site in the Strip by Thickness
Tip: You don’t need to enter whole numbers, you can use decimals for accuracy, like 0.1 or 0.75.
Select Layers to be Stripped Away
Your stripping can be calculated by selecting one or more material layers, which will be stripped from your Proposed Site regardless of thickness.
To strip by layers:
1. From the Project Details embedded tab, click Ground Settings.
2. Click the radio button for Strip away.
3. Click the field under Strip away, and select the material layer or material category you wish to strip away to.
Set Respread Thickness
Your stripping can be calculated by setting a thickness, and your Existing Site will strip the thickness regardless of the material layer.
To set a stripping thickness:
1. From the Project Details embedded tab, click Ground Settings.
2. You can enter the thickness you wish to respread for your Proposed Site in the Respread Thickness field.
Tip: You don’t need to enter whole numbers, you can use decimals for accuracy, like 0.1 or 0.75.